Monday, 18 June 2012

It's Monday! What are you Reading? (4)

This meme is posted originally at Book Journey to discuss the books you read this week and the books you plan to read this week.

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead - Goodreads
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare - Goodreads
Revived by Cat Patrick - Goodreads

I think overall I had a good reading week. I really enjoyed Revived and Vampire Academy. They both got 4 stars. But I didn't like City of Bones as much as I thought I would (3 stars) sadly. 

The books I plan to read:

Delirium by Lauren Oliver - Goodreads
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan - Goodreads

Monday, 11 June 2012

It's Monday! What are you Reading? (3)

This meme is posted originally at Book Journey to discuss the books you read this week and the books you plan to read this week.

Okay so again I'm sorry that this is a little late. I was staying with my grandparents this weekend because they flew over from NZ. And the Hotel they were staying at had no internet.

So the book I read this week was:

The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa.

And the books I plan to read are:

City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare 
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Top Ten Tuesday! (2)

The Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted at The Broke and Bookish

This weeks list is: Top Ten Tuesday Rewind! 
So I will be picking: Top Ten Blogs/Sites You Read That AREN'T about Books.

1.  Tumblr!

Biggest procrastination tool ever. And I am completely addicted to it! I am always on there, and because of that I never manage to get my homework done.

2. Youtube

Spending hours a day browsing through pointless videos that will get me nowhere.  

3.   Facebook

Really the only way to connect with my friends. You know, apart from actually going to school. 

4.  Twitter

I don't really add any of my friends on twitter. I guess it's kind of like my second life hahaha.

5.   Google

I feel like I'm cheating by listing google. But hey, without it I wouldn't know where I would be. 

6.  Forever 21

Living in Australia, it's really hard to buy clothes no one else has. So I usually ask my mum if  I can buy from Forever 21. And It is definitely one of my favourite clothing stores ever! Oh how I wished I lived in America. 

7. You me and Charlie

Other then it being totally amazing, it's also Diana Agron's website! 

8.   The Beauty Department

Also run by a celebrity. An amazing website for beauty D.I.Ys

9.  Curvio

Basically, if you see a dress you like on, let's say Glee, then just go on this website and it will give you either to exact or similar matches. Come on, that's pretty cool.

10.  Etsy

I've never actually bought anything from here. But I love looking at all the cool and quirky things. I definitely recommend if you want something no one else has. 

Armchair BEA: Best of 2012!

Armchair BEA is for everyone who can't go to the actual BEA.
Today's subject is Best of 2012.

1.  Catching Fire By Suzanne Collins

I would've put The Hunger Games here, but I read that at the end of 2011. But Catching Fire was just as good and definitely deserves a place on this list.

2.  Divergent by Veronica Roth

Duh, of course I would put this in the list! It's just completely amazing. 

3.  Insurgent by Veronica Roth

I haven't read this book yet, but i am dying to! I ordered it online and it still hasn't come *sobs*.
But anyway, this book was probably one of the most anticipated books of the year.

I haven't done that much reading this year, and really these are the only books I was completely in love with. Hopefully that will change soon. 

Monday, 4 June 2012

Armchair BEA - Interviews!

So I don't live in the US so I decided to participate in the Armchair BEA!
Today is...
An Interview!...with me!

1. Please tell us a little about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? How did you get into blogging? 

Well my name is Cleo and I am 13 years old and I live in Australia. I haven't been blogging for long, about a month I think. And the reason I got into blogging is because I just love reading, and I was too nervous and shy to start a youtube channel.

2. What are you currently reading. Or what is your favourite book that you've read so far in 2012?

My favourite book in 2012 would have to be a tie with Divergent or Catching Fire. They are both just so amazing! Just...ugh I love them.

3. Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.

I love food. It's so yummy and deliciously delicious. 

4.  Where do you see your blog in five years?

I hope by then I haven't forgotten about it! But if I still manage to keep it up and running by then, then I hope to see it more professional. Right now, since I just started, my blog isn't that great. But hopefully once I have everything sorted out it will be great. 

5.  If you could eat any dinner with any author or character who would it be and why?

That's tough, but it would have to be Four from Divergent. He's so interesting to me. I guess because he keeps to himself a lot.

6.  (sorry i had to do one more) What literary location would you like mos to visit and why?

Hogwarts. Hands down.  

It's Monday! What are you Reading? (2)

This meme is posted originally at Book Journey to discuss the books you read this week and the books you plan to read this week.

Sorry that this is late. I didn't get a chance to go on my computer yesterday sadly. But I have it now. So yay!

So this week I only finished one book. Which was:

Born Wicked By Jessica Spotswood

I will talk more about that book later in my review.

Now, the book that I am currently reading:

The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa

And the books I plan to read:

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

I know, I know I'm probably the only person in the world who hasn't read this book yet. But hey better late then never right?

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

And again, I have not read this series either. But I've heard great things about it and I can't wait to start reading it. 

So those are all my books! So tell me, what are you reading?