The Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted at The Broke and Bookish.
This weeks list is: Top Ten Tuesday Rewind!
So I will be picking: Top Ten Blogs/Sites You Read That AREN'T about Books.
1. Tumblr!
Biggest procrastination tool ever. And I am completely addicted to it! I am always on there, and because of that I never manage to get my homework done.
2. Youtube
Spending hours a day browsing through pointless videos that will get me nowhere.
3. Facebook
Really the only way to connect with my friends. You know, apart from actually going to school.
4. Twitter
I don't really add any of my friends on twitter. I guess it's kind of like my second life hahaha.
5. Google
I feel like I'm cheating by listing google. But hey, without it I wouldn't know where I would be.
6. Forever 21
Living in Australia, it's really hard to buy clothes no one else has. So I usually ask my mum if I can buy from Forever 21. And It is definitely one of my favourite clothing stores ever! Oh how I wished I lived in America.
7. You me and Charlie
Other then it being totally amazing, it's also Diana Agron's website!
8. The Beauty Department
Also run by a celebrity. An amazing website for beauty D.I.Ys
9. Curvio
Basically, if you see a dress you like on, let's say Glee, then just go on this website and it will give you either to exact or similar matches. Come on, that's pretty cool.
10. Etsy
I've never actually bought anything from here. But I love looking at all the cool and quirky things. I definitely recommend if you want something no one else has.
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